Craig Klintworth Gun & Rifle Manufacturers, Ltd. SF CKW Johannesburg, South Africa Crescent (pistols) US BLG Mfd. by Bliss & Goodyear Crescent Firearms Co. US CRE Crescent Hardware Co. US CRE Crescent-Davis Arms US CRE Crest No. 1/No. 2 US DVT Model of Davenport Crestwood Arms --...
“All that space,” he’d say. “Think about all that space. We could doanythingwith that space. Offices. Light industry. Restaurants, pubs, cafés. I want a coffee shop in there, I know that much.” We tried our best to dream along with him. As young children, we had briefly kno...
I formed Crossbolt Intellisys in 2001. A few weeks earlier I had quit my job as a systems engineer. Oddly I had just returned to head office in Johannesburg after wrapping up a year on site on a spectacularly successful project. Perhaps it was the interminable traffic jams, the gloomy weat...
children:rattlesfrom Johannesburg,woodennestingdollsfromMoscow,littlesilkbootiesfromTaipei.He wouldcallussometimes,theconnectionscratchyandechoing,achorusofyoung womengigglinginthebackground,hisvoiceneversoundingashappyasweexpected itto. Monthswouldpassbeforewesawhisfaceagain,andthen,hewouldarrivehome, beardedand...