Most U.S. firearms go unregistered, so numbers are hard to come by. Still, there are windows into the world of gun ownership — slices of data that offer pieces to the puzzle. TheRAND Corporationpublished a 2020 study on adults who say they live with at least one gun. And every year,...
The best Gun Lawyers in the State of Oregon. Restoring the Right to Purchase and Possess Firearms anywhere in Oregon. Clearing criminal records. Helping you hunt and lawfully protect yourself again.
by Midwest Chick inMidwest Chick's Placeon2025-02-27T11:30:00Z Why Cuba has one of the lowest civilian gun ownership rates in the world by Lee Williams inThe Gun Writeron2025-02-27T11:00:49Z The Castros and the island nation's current president all detest personally owned firearms. ...
• Gun Ownership in America: Surprising Statistics and What They Mean for 2nd Amendment Advocates• Hunters and Target Shooters are Guilty by Association• NRA Issues Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order Protecting Second Amendment Rights Firearms, Freedom and General Interest• Best ...
Here are some excerpts from an article in the Los Angeles Times by James Queally. Gun ownership has boomed in the U.S. over the last several years, including in California. Among those first-time gun owners are L.A. liberals, and more and more, those rookie shooters seek out Nguyen, ...
This has been an active category in recent years as states have moved to legalize the ownership and use of suppressors. Castle Doctrine The term “Castle Doctrine” has become shorthand for a state’s use-of-force laws. Some states require citizens to retreat before the use of deadly force ...
“We work with gun owners for responsible ownership,” DeLong said. “Arguments saying this is a slippery slope … Ceasefire Oregon wants reasonable laws and to reduce gun violence. We don’t want to take everybody’s guns away.”
must currently reside in Oregon, not be a threat to the safety of the public or yourself, and not have served any sentence in the past year. Please note, a court may not grant relief under this section to a person convicted of a person felony involving the use of a firearm or a dead...
Additionally, other countries by civilian gun ownership in 2024 are detailed below: Countries Guns per 100 residents Yemen 52.8 Serbia 39.1 Montenegro 39.1 Canada 34.7 Uruguay 34.7 Cyprus 34 Finland 32.4 Lebanon 31.9 Iceland 31.7 Gun Ownership Statistics By Age (Reference: Gun Violence...
attitudes toward gun ownership and use. He refers to the case of Oregon teacher Shirley Katz, who is fighting for the right to carry a handgun in school, and relates his experience as a British teacher on an exchange in Selma, Oklahoma, where gun ownership is the norm and hunting is a ...