Austria, named after its founder, Gaston Glock. While the company is best known for its line of polymer-framed pistols, it also produces field knives, entrenching tools, and apparel. The popularity of Glock pistols inspired other manufacturers to begin production of similar polymer-...
There was a time when Great Britain was one of the world’s largest firearms manufacturers. But now the UK does not have the capability to produce service rifles anymore, instead outsourcing repair and modernization to H&K in Germany. However, the situation is about to change. At the IDEX ...
…The broadening tent is good for manufacturers and bad for gun-control advocates. Not everyone is happy about this expansion of civil liberties. In a column for National Review, David Harsanyi reviews a book that makes a twisted argument about the 2nd Amendment. Left-wing academic Carol ...
This limited edition 1911 is the result of Nighthawk Custom and Guns & Ammo Magazine building a pistol to follow the historic partnership that G&A has had with firearm manufacturers for decades. Through the years, Guns & Ammo has partnered with select manufacturers to produce very special and col...
Craig Klintworth Gun & Rifle Manufacturers, Ltd. SF CKW Johannesburg, South Africa Crescent (pistols) US BLG Mfd. by Bliss & Goodyear Crescent Firearms Co. US CRE Crescent Hardware Co. US CRE Crescent-Davis Arms US CRE Crest No. 1/No. 2 US DVT Model of Davenport Crestwood Arms -...
(1.36 lbs.). Picking up the weapon for the first time, you’d swear the featherweight firearm is an Airsoft replica of itself. But the most plastic feeling of plastic-feeling polymer pistols is not an airport screener’s worst nightmare. The Five-SeveN’s Belgian manufacturers fashion the ...
The Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute, Inc (SAAMI), stated, “Whether in the field, at the range or in the home, a responsible and knowledgeable gun owner is rarely involved in a firearms accident of any kind.” According to Kyle Wintersteen, managing editor of Guns and...
The Mexican government accused the manufacturers, including Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc.; Barrett Firearms Manufacturing, Inc.; Beretta U.S.A. Corp.; Colt’s Manufacturing Company LLC, and Glock Inc, of “actively facilitating the unlawful trafficking of their guns to drug cartels and other ...