While recently visiting a state with less restrictive gun laws, I found exactly the gun I would like to buy: a small Smith & Wesson M&P Bodyguard, light enough for me to confidently handle and safely store. It sells for about what a handgun license application in New York City costs. And...
NYSRPA executive director Tom King said he objects to the state's gun law, which requires anyone seeking a license to carry a concealed weapon to demonstrate "a special need for self-protection." King said that violates his Second Amendment rights. "We're looking for the ability ...
Therefore, a law enforcement officer (LEO) will not be notified that you are a concealed carry license holder immediately when they run your driver’s permit. However, LEOs may have access to other databases where they can obtain this information....
Finally, you'll get more details on prohibitions for all 30 states that have "shall issue" license systems in "Licensed to Carry." Let me also warn you that many places clearly have no authority to ban your civil rights, but they might post signs or give you a hard time some other ...
Issues: notes section on license section doesn’t properly accept non-alpha characters. Looks okay until you display it, then the junk shows up. Suggestions: I have a 2 person shooting household. It would be nice to be able to visually distinguish which permit belongs to whom, and which g...
MANUEL:You can’t just buy a gun on the internet and have it shipped to you. That’s 100% false. You can buy a gun through the internet, but the way it works is, the gun shop has their FFL, which is there license to buy and sell firearms. They would have to actually have to...
Those convicted of domestic abuse can get a driver’s license. You can get a driver’s license, or permit, at a younger age than a firearm. In fact, there is nothing to say you even have to have a driver’s license to legally buy or own a motor vehicle. ...
We had a doe permit, so I put the gun up, but I got so nervous I said, I can’ do this!” I put the gun down, and my husband said, “You dummy! What are you doing in the woods with a hunting license and a gun if you're not going to shoot it? So I picked the gun...
Permit-to-purchase laws.These laws only allow sales to someone with a valid license, while screening out individuals with severe mental illness or criminal history.Researchpublished in theJournal of Preventive Medicinefound a 15 percent reduction in firearm suicide rates when analyzing th...
On more than one occasion this has helped in the MWAG interaction. An example would be the second Florida interaction. My reputation preceded me. In the first Tennessee interaction, being in a button-down dress shirt and providing my driver’s license and carry permit as the officer reached ...