About 35 states have enacted some form of "stand your ground" laws — or expanded "castle doctrine" laws — in the decade following Trayvon Martin's shooting death. Apr 19, 2023 Bowman and Massie's gun control exchange After the Nashville school shooting, Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-New York)...
Your comprehensive guide to understanding gun laws across all 50 states in the United States. Stay informed and stay safe.
Learn the rules and laws about buying firearms and ammunition in each state in the country, as well as Federally. We also cover open carry, background checks, and sales tax.
Learn the rules and laws about buying firearms and ammunition in each state in the country, as well as Federally. We also cover open carry, background checks, and sales tax.
Here's a look at the top 10 states with the strictest gun laws and their number of gun-related deaths in 2021: 加州拥有全国最严格的枪支法案,其中最著名的法规是直接剥夺受家暴指控及具有家庭虐待史的人员的持枪。 除了拥有最严格的枪支法案外,加州的枪支相关死亡率也相对较低,每 10 万人中有8.5人死...
In states like Colorado and Maryland, some ignore or refuse to enforce gun laws that threaten rural cultures. The Second Amendment Groups prepare to defend themselves against government interference with the "will of the people". For sport and self defense: The selling of guns to women ...
Students were less likely to report being threatened or carrying a weapon in states with stricter gun laws. By Claire Hansen | March 21, 2019, at 6:30 p.m. Save More Stricter Gun Laws Linked to Safer Schools More iStockPhoto A new study found that stricter ...
People in states with more lax gun laws were also 8 points more likely to say they or someone they know has experienced gun violence , 45% to 37%. 此外,相比枪支法规较严格的州的居民,枪支法规较宽松的州的居民表示自己或自己认识的人遭遇过枪支暴力的比例高出了8%,前者为37%,后者为45%。
There is no word yet on what impact, if any, Saturday's shooting in Allen will have on the final weeks of the Texas Legislature. May 7, 2023 What do "stand your ground" laws allow for—and which states have them? About 35 states have enacted some form of "stand your ground" ...
News about gun control laws, such as background checks and assault weapons bans, as states try to balance Second Amendment rights amid mass shootings and gun violence in the U.S.