Gun dealers to get new ATF form 4473 - Industry News - Bulletin Board
However, the law protects the innocent and will not give those convicted for a felony a chance to purchase handguns anymore. So at least they covered that area in the State of Colorado. References: ...
I forgot the language. Been a while, thanks. I got a PDF of it; I assure you it wasn't from memory. If an FFL erroneously marks transfer of a virgin lower as "long gun" on 4473, his screw up does not make it illegal for you to make a pistol from it. And yes, there are st...
“After the United States, Canada is one of the largest owners of private guns in the developed world,” Canada’sNational Postreports. “There’s about 31 guns for every 100 people, putting Canada in 12th place worldwide — and only three guns short of the rate of firearm ownership in ...