Define gun for. gun for synonyms, gun for pronunciation, gun for translation, English dictionary definition of gun for. n. 1. A weapon consisting of a metal tube from which a projectile is fired at high velocity into a relatively flat trajectory, especia
Define Hired Guns. Hired Guns synonyms, Hired Guns pronunciation, Hired Guns translation, English dictionary definition of Hired Guns. n. Informal 1. One, especially a professional killer, who is hired to kill another person. 2. One hired to fight for or
gun Definition, gun Best Plays of gun in Scrabble® and Words With Friends, Length tables of words in gun, Word growth of gun, Sequences of gun
Chinese Definition Individual words translate as: hired. 雇用;租用;雇用;租用 gun.枪;炮;枪杀;枪毙要人;大人物 Related Words (Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense.May need to scroll content.) (名) As a noun A professional killer who uses a gun. Synonyms: gun, gun for hire, gunm...
Biodiversity quality: A paradigm for biodiversity This paperddresseshe needorn internationallyccepted definitionfiodiversityhe lackf whichreates difficulty ineasuringiodiversity differencendhange.heuthorsu... A Feest - 《Ecological Indicators Integrating Monitoring Assessment & Management》 被引量: 70发表...
A good definition of the term "mercenary" allows a clear understanding of the moral issues at stake; it reveals the importance of definitions for policy; and it sheds light on whether or not private military companies ought to be considered mercenary. A proper definition also encompasses the ...
Front-Row Seats: Experience concerts like never before with high-definition video and crystal-clear audio. IPTV platforms transport you to the front row of the concert hall, allowing you to feel like you’re part of the action, even if you’re thousands of miles away. Exclusive Access: Get...
SB642: adds “dating relationship” to the definition of a “domestic relationship” for purposes of prohibiting guns for misdemeanor domestic violence. HB798: takes away a person’s right to own a firearm for several misdemeanor convictions, including simple assault. ...
The Gun Control Act of 1968 updated verbiage on destructive devices to include things like bombs, mines, and grenades, and added the definition for machine guns. The bill also banned guns with no sporting purpose; mandated an age restriction of 21 and older for the purchase of handguns; ...
5 This definition includes, but is not limited to, the building, surrounding perimeters, parking lots, field locations, clients' homes, and the roadways to and from work assignments.6 From this definition, workplace violence is divided into three categories: homicide, physical assault, and ...