The first season will premiere all eight episodes exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide on Friday, May 20."Spanning space and time, Night Sky follows Irene (Sissy Spacek) and Franklin York (J.K. Simmons), a couple who, years ago, discovered a ...
Born to actors Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith, Jaden Smith got his first taste of the limelight in his father's music video, "Just the Two of Us." Since then he's taken on iconic roles like "The Karate Kid," voiced a character in Netflix's anime "Neo Yokio," and was even no...
The Japanese anime “Grave of the Fireflies†adapts a semi-autobiographical novel by Akiyuki Nosaka, as it depicts a teenage boy and his young sister trying to survive alone in the harrowing aftermath of the fire-bombings of Japan during WWII. Next clue: Tom Hanks took a gam...