Sundas Idrees Dentist Herndon, VA If your gums in general are inflamed and tender then you may be experiencing gingivitis. If the gum is inflamed local to the area of the root canal, your tooth may still be healing from treatment. See your dentist to follow up and make sure signs of ...
During your orthodontic treatment, you may not be able to see your teeth move, but braces apply a steady, constant pressure that causes changes to occur in your jawbone and gums. As a result, it’s natural for your gums to feel sore, especially after your orthodontist adjusts the...
Since yesterday I can feel my gums being slightly inflamed... Have a question aboutGum Disease?Ask a doctor now Dr. Michael Acquista Dentist Brooklyn, NY Maybe you are brushing and/or flossing too hard, see sawing under the gums, or brushing on the gums and are hurting yourself. Maybe...
"There’s nothing more uncool than bad breath. Having bad breath made me feel like a social outcast. I knew everyone noticed and talked about me behind my back when they left my office! I’ve had a good life and enjoy many things but being ridiculed by people is not one of them. I...
So, I had all the above symptoms as well back in January of '08. I had what I thought was a flu or strep throat. I had a fever, achiness, sore mouth, inflamed gums, over 15-20 canker sores on my tongue, inside my cheeks, on the roof of my mouth, and several cold sores on...
The pocket gets inflamed and I need to address it before they progress to anything more problematic, and over the years, a few times, I have had sore gums. I’m so thankful that I have found a way to deal with them naturally, without getting antibiotics or going in to the dentist’s...
Gum disease is a serious and complex condition that progresses and eventually damages a patient’s overall health and well-being. As bacteria multiply and spread, deep pockets are formed in the gum line. The gums become inflamed and start to pull away from the teeth. Teeth lose stability, be...
If you want to maintain a healthy mouth, natural toothpaste is the best way to do it! Say goodbye to gum infections, persistent bad breath, tooth loss, and sore gums because natural toothpaste will give you the cleanest, healthiest mouth you’ve ever had!
"There’s nothing more uncool than bad breath. Having bad breath made me feel like a social outcast. I knew everyone noticed and talked about me behind my back when they left my office! I’ve had a good life and enjoy many things but being ridiculed by people is not one of them. I...
Besides this, you may notice that parts of your gums have turned white, or you’ve developed white spots and patches on the gums. This is a sign that you have a chemical burn; a burned area will usually become sore and turn white on contact with the solution. Although this ...