"Gummy Bear Experiment" With Molten Potassium Chlorate: This is the gummy bear experiment which gummy bear is added to molten chlorate, in such oxygen-rich environment with sufficient temperature, gummy bear bursts into lilac flame vigorously when contac
Teach students about osmosis, membranes, equilibrium, solutes, and solvents in this fun, gummy bear experiment! Includes a gummy bear science project worksheet.
STEP 4:Set up a science experiment with the gummy bears. You can even compare homemade gummy bears and store-bought gummy bears too! Check out how to make slime with gelatin. Are Gummy Bears Liquid or Solid? Earlier we asked the question about whether a gummy bear is a liquid or a so...
But we think we’re veering into chemistry now, and we should stop. Next time we’ll finish up by looking at controlling movement: building gates and contraptions that move your bulk material without clogging up. Posted in Hackaday Columns, hardware, SliderTagged bulk material, gummy bear ...