Several citizens continue along with the singing while describing the woes of their lives, eventually leading to Elmore Junior High, where Miss Simian sings about how all of her students are brats. Suddenly, a rat falls into her mug, so she tosses it out a window, knocking over a trash ca...
Bunny Unknown Rabbit "The Voice," The Compilation" It sings "Weird Like You And Me." Burger Male ♂ Burger "The World" He is the captain of the food army. Burgie the Clown Male ♂ Clown "The Menu," "The Spinoffs," "The Ghouls" It is the mascot of Joyful Burger. Butterfly ...
they find out he was screaming because of a book he was reading. Darwin then gets an idea that they should read as much as possible to see what the parents think of the negative influence that comes from books. The children crash in on a second PTA meeting and explain to everyone throug...