Gumball'sparentsareRichardandNicoleWatterson答案:Gumball's parents are Richard and Nicole Watterson.核心短语/词汇:parents:父母翻译:Gumball的父母是谁?解析:根据句意:Gumball的父母是谁?答语是:Gumball's parents are Richard and Nicole Watterson.Gumball的父母是Richard和Nicole Watterson。故答案:Gumball's paren...
然后Rob回到过去,把Nicole和Richard变回了成年人,Anais和Darwin复活了,他摧毁了遥控器,继续他的邪恶之路,但当神奇的货车人再次说出价格时,以一声呻吟结束,随后Wattersons在回家的车里快乐地唱歌。 罗伯再次出现在“前任”中,他发现自己有了一个新的大敌,那就是香蕉乔。Gumball不顾Penny的建议,拒绝接受Banana Joe对Rob...
This is the only episode where Nicole and Richard appear without any of the Watterson kids. This episode's title was first revealed at The A-May-zing Month of Gumball Special Screening Event in London. A total of fifty characters appear in this episode, beating "The Finale." This episode,...
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The Amazing World of Gumball: The Movie: Réalisé par Ben Bocquelet. Avec Adam Long, Nicolas Cantu, Sandra Dickinson, Alex Jordan. En rencontrant ses héros, notre super fan décide de faire équipe avec Gumball, Darwin, Anaïs, Richard et Nicole pour
Gumball: Son of Nicole and Richard;brother to Darwin and Anais. He is a blue cat. Darwin: Adopted son of Nicole and Richard; adoptive brother to Gumball and Anais. How old is Gumball and Darwin 2021? The series concerns the lives of 12-year-old Gumball Watterson, a blue cat, and his...
"The Amazing World of Gumball" follows the life of Gumball Watterson, 12-year-old cat who always gets into trouble. He lives his best friend/pet goldfish, Darwin; his lazy, child-like father Richard; his hard-working mother Nicole; and his genius little sister Anais. ...
Well, the boy in the middle is me This is my father Richard Watterson and he is kind of fat(有 ).That is my mother Doctor Watrerson. but people like to call her "Nicole"-it is her middle name. The girl in orange is my sister Anais. She is four.and she is very smart(明 )....
Skip Cast and crew Mic Graves Director, Banana Joe / Banana Bob / Leonard Daniels / Clown / William Antoine Perez Director Richard Overall Director, Billy Parham / Boy / Hot Dog Guy Lookalike / Kip Schlezinger / Man in commercial Ben Bocquelet ...
The Choices: When a typically stressful Watterson family dinner pushes her to the edge of her sanity, Nicole starts reminiscing about the time she met Richard. Might her life have been better if she'd never stopped to talk to her future husband and taken a different path instead? / The Co...