Talking about Gum Hai Kisi Ke Pyar Mein, which is a relatively new show and has raked some really good reviews, has a new entry. Actor Yash Pandit will be an addition in the show where he will be seen playing the role of Devyani’s Husband. The new track will showcase the past life...
Pallavi Kelkar - Gum hai kisi ke pyar mein 播放 00:00/00:00 静音 LRC滚动歌词加载中... Pallavi Kelkar 共247首音乐4个专辑 查看 所属专辑:Remix Land 声明:版权属于各音乐平台,本站非营利性平台!本站不存储任何音频,本站仅测试! 歌词下载,MP3下载地址↓↓↓...