Road surface boxes.-The side members g<1> of the vertical grid g of a street gully fit into grooves in the frame a, and support a trap h with' drain holes i and a handle k to facilitate removal. Instead of a trap, a shoot may be employed to carry the water clear of the outlet...
Gully Chute Connector H2GO provides a modern solution to kerb drainage. The range comprises of a kerb unit and gully chute connector which is designed to fix below a grating or kerb type gully unit with a primary catchment chamber and spigot outlet for onward pipe connection. Ideal where gully...
Gully traps ; flushing.-The chamber a of a gully is connected to, or formed with, a siphon pipe b so that water accumulates in the chamber, until at a suitable level the whole is discharged, thus flushing the drains. The rim of the gully is formed with a groove e' to receive the ...
Gratings, pavement.- Covers are fastened to drain gullies, man-holes, &c. by means of dovetailed projections 5, 6 thereon engaging with corresponding slots 23 in the gully &c. One 5 of the projections is fixed while the other is rotatable in its bearing and adapted to be turned by a ...
Check valves; seats.-To prevent back-flow, gully traps are provided with a valve comprising an india-rubber ball C and seating F. The inlet D of a small drain is recessed at H for the reception of a flange on the seat which is fastened by a band and clip, or by a wire.FREDERIC ...
25,564. Brown, R. H. Nov. 21. Gully traps are provided with a vertical grating a together with, or instead of, a horizontal one c, thus allowing storm wa'ter to drain away when the horizontal one has become choked. The surplus water entering the gully through the grating a escapes ...