Guizhou Minzu University has a well-structured and well-developed staff. There are 718 professional teachers. Of the faculty 56.5% of instructors are awarded the specialist rank above the companion professor; and most instructors have received the diploma above the master, accounting for 67.9%. The...
1. School of Public Health and Management of Binzhou Medical University 2. The Norweigian Institute of Public Health 3. The Faculty of Medicine练武yvind N ssEspen BjertnessBernadette Nirmal Kumar石淑华Current Medical ScienceDu Q, Lian W, Naess O, et al. The trends in maternal mortality between...
iSchoolofPublicHenlthandManagementofBinzhouMedicalUniversi. TheNorweigianInstitu ofPublicHealth.Oslo0403.Norway TheFacultyofMedicine,UniversityofOslo,OsIo031 Norway AbetUniversityMedicalCollege,Lhasa850012.China jNorweigianCenterforMinorityHenlthResearch.Oslo0424,Norway ...