The guitar tuner app is the fastest, easiest and most accurate way to tune your guitar. Discover 100+ different tunings for acoustic guitar and electric guitar, including popular guitar tunings: standard, drop D, drop A, half step down, and more. ...
Full automatic guitar tuner - Tuning change in seconds - Multi-String Tuning - alternate tunings - automatic String Up / Down - Capo Mode - Made in Germany
This is the best guitar tuner ever. Caleb Schafli " It tunes your guitar accurately so you can get the best sound. I like all the other little games as well because they teach you how to play different chords and you can learn to identify the chords by listening to them and it is...
Tune your guitar and other instruments with GuitarTuna, the world’s #1 online tuner. Our online guitar tuner comes with over 100 different tunings.
Free online guitar tuner from Fender. Tune your acoustic, electric or bass guitar, select from standard tuning, 12 alternate tunings or customize your own!
Guitar Tuner吉他调音器非常专业,还很实用,采用智能采集声音频率,智能分析频率,判断音准。能够更改音准和乐器,Guitar Tuner可以调节吉他、尤克里里、电贝司、二胡,钢琴,扬琴这些管弦乐器。操作也很简单,打开软件,让手机麦克风靠近吉他,之后弹响琴弦,让APP听到声音,之后就可以根据屏幕上的标注来调节琴弦。注意琴弦的松紧度,...
通过开启钢琴键盘,可以享受更自由的调音。 正在调第6弦。对应钢琴第20键,钢琴音名 E,频率:82.4069Hz。 点击下方的弦,对点中的弦进行调音 您也可以降低 - 1或升高 + 1一个半音 请注意:调音升高过多会导致琴弦断裂。的调音降低过多会导致音色效果不理想。
调音器(GuitarTuner)最新版 v5.1.5 安卓版 软件大小:11.26M 软件类别:安卓应用 / 视频影音 软件语言:简体中文 推荐等级: 授权方式:免费软件 更新时间:2024-03-15 05:20 运行平台:Android 相关链接:暂无 软件厂商:北京小熊科技有限公司 顶好评:50% 踩坏评:50% 本地下载已有4146 次下载...