“I mostly use this for tuning my guitar, which this app makes ridiculously easy. It also has a large selection of songs to play along to and it helps show you which chords to play as well how to make the shapes with your fingers.” ...
2Pluck a stringStart tuning your guitar by playing any string with the right tension — not too heavy, not too light. The GuitarTuna app will listen to your pitch with its built in microphone. 3Adjust your tuneTurn the tuning pegs on the headstock of your guitar. You’ll hear the pitch...
Guitar Tuna is an outstanding app for musicians seeking a reliable and feature-rich tuner. Its combination of accuracy, ease of use, and additional learning tools makes it a top choice for guitarists of all levels. Whether you're tuning before a gig or practicing at home, this guitar tuning...
ELECTRIC GUITAR TUNER TUNE ELECTRIC BASS GUITAR TUNER TUNE BASS UKULELE TUNER TUNE UKULELE Get the free Fender Tune™ app Easy for beginners, accurate for pros. STEP-BY-STEP LESSONS. 1000's OF SONGS. LEARN YOUR WAY. Get 10% off your next order with a monthly plan ...
guitar tuna安卓版简介 吉他调音器guitartuna是一款免费吉他尤克里里调音器应用程序,简单、快捷、精确,适用于吉他、贝司、尤克里里和许多其他弦乐器的专业调音软件,为爱玩音乐爱乐器的精心制作! 调音器是一个多功能乐器调音器,它借助手机自带的麦克风快速精准地对乐器进行调音,校音。它可以自动调音也可以手动调音,若音阶有...
调音软件app(guitar tuner) v3.8.34安卓版 普通下载地址: itmop本地下载 包名:com.xinmang.guitar.tuner MD5:067F1B60BFDDD9B13274C38F373FD362 调音软件app(guitar tuner) v3.8.31安卓版 普通下载地址: itmop本地下载 包名:com.xinmang.guitar.tuner ...
It’s pretty cool you actually read this far! Here’s a joke for you: What’s the difference between a bass and a tuna? You can tuna bass, but you can’t bass a tuna! Now download the app and see how it is. Send us your feedback on the joke and the app to support@guitartun...
调音app 手机弹吉他软件 吉他调音 调音器app guitartuna破解版是一款手机吉他调音器。guitar tuna中文版,专业的调音软件,功能强大,识别音效准确可靠!软件实用方便!喜欢的朋友欢迎前往IT猫扑网下载! guitartuna解锁版官方介绍 guitartuna是全世界最热门的免费吉他调音器应用程序!GuitarTuna是最简单、最快速和最准确的免费吉他...
打开应用程序后,你会看到如下界面,直接点击进入调音模式。这款应用程序主要适用于传统6弦吉他,但如果你需要为其他弦乐器调音,可以在右下角“商店”中购买相关功能。使用guitar tuna进行调音非常简单。在自动模式下,你只需拨响琴弦,系统便会自动检测音高并显示相应的音名。例如,系统提示“音太低了”,表示当前...