GUITAR LIFE -LESSON1-是一款Nintendo Switch 外设,可以真实模拟6弦吉他的声音和握感,对吉他弹奏的初学者很有帮助。(twi: R_Nikaido)
音乐节奏游戏《GUITAR LIFE -LESSON1-》确认将于4月25日发售,售价12980日元。玩家只要将Joy-Con插入专用吉他控制器插槽中,按住六条弦线,并用拨片弹出声音就能跟着画面学习演奏吉他的技巧。#Switch# û收藏 16 2 ñ28 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请...
《Guitar Li..这个就离谱。想自学吉他,simply guitar这个app不比这个好?虽然是订阅制的但人家是教用真吉他弹奏并且歌曲多还有讲解。这个你还要买配套的吉他外设,甚至没有琴弦全是按键模拟。
(Full Version) - Guitar Lesson 10:52 Cavatina - Guitar Lesson 10:02 Ballade pour Adeline-水边的阿狄丽娜 08:54 The Sound of Music - Fingerstyle Lesson 07:44 Cinema Paradiso -Love Theme 07:17 You've Got a Friend 08:13 In My Life (The Beatles) - Fingerstyle Lesson 09:04 古典吉他-《...
103 -- 12:39 App Mayhem-《Life Eternal》Guitar Lesson 183 -- 2:24 App My Chemical Romance-Caner Guitar lesson 癌症吉他教学 140 -- 6:22 App 理工附分元旦联欢会之“瞎鸡儿弹”“社恐,贼尴尬”“晚上排练光打游戏没背谱”“演奏没试音”现场 1955 3 5:26 App [活结Slipknot]《Spit it out...
18:17 Jennifer Batten_ Lesson – Building Stamina & Speed 2020-01-13 32:20 Rig Rundown - Intervals' Aaron Marshall 2020-01-13 03:23 sleeping_with_sirens_leave_it_all_behind_live_at_electric_ballroom_londo 2020-01-13 05:36 magnum_where_are_you_eden 2020-01-13 04:44 axe_fx_2_james...
Or schedule a 1 on 1 private Zoom lesson with an instructor. Guided Learning Path Spend less time guessing what to do next. With our step-by-step program, you can go at your own pace and simply follow along to easy bite-sized lessons that incorporate real music rather than stale ...
Say Goodbye To Tension Today And Experience A Lifetime Of Bigger, Better, Faster & Easier Guitar Gains Enter Your Name And Email Address To Watch The Class: By submitting your info, you agree to send it to Tom Hess Music Corporation who will process and use it according to theirprivacy po...
Fix it now with 1-on-1 Lessons and Support Overcome those learning roadblocks with a FREE private video lesson with a pro Licklibrary tutor Learning guitar online doesn’t mean you have to go it alone! We understand that simply having access to 1000s of lessons isn’t a guaranteed recipe...
Going to NAMM at the end of the month? Stop by the Lessonface booth on Thursday and say howdy. As always, please feel free to contact us with your questions, and have a wonderful and musical new year. October January 6, 2016 | Categories:News|Leave a comment ...