- Chords library for your every-day usage - Accurate guitar tuner And all this works offline! You have access to your app everywhere, every time! Download and install this How to Play a Guitar: Guitar Lessons for Beginners and become a guitar star!
Guitar Lessons for Beginners Fender Digital 专为iPad 设计 4.8 • 6.1万 个评分 免费 提供App 内购买项目 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 和音乐界备受信赖的品牌学习吉他弹奏。Fender Play®帮您轻松学习如何弹奏原声吉他、电吉他、低音吉他和/或尤克里里。精心编录的简短吉他课程方便您随时随地练习。这款吉他教学应用程...
This course focuses specifically on chord and rhythm playing for electric guitar players. This series of courses (levels 1 – 3) is absolutely essential for beginners who love the electric guitar as they will give you the necessary foundations to build upon as you progress. Acoustic Beginners ...
The best online guitar lessons are on Guitar Tricks! Learn how to play guitar with over 11,000 guitar lessons, hundreds of song lessons, and a robust community for help and support on your guitar learning journey.
All new guitarists should first learn to play the so-calledcowboy chords. These are also known as open chords. Cowboy chords are great for beginners as they usually require only three fingers to play while the other strings ring open. Some good beginner guitar chords include the major chords...
1000's of free guitar lessons by Carl Brown well organized for all levels and styles. 100's of songs! Need help with a lesson? Just ask!!
Live, one-on-one, real time, interactive,private online music training classesfor the students of all learning levels and age group. Convenient & flexibleonline Guitar music lessonsschedule for almost all the global time zones with 1 or 2 classes / week option. ...
YES! Please send me my 50 Beginner-to-Intermediate Bass Guitar lessons. I understand I'll also receive2 BONUS LESSONS(at the end of the course) from the Professional series of Bass Lessons Online PLUS a six-month FREE subscription to the Creative Bass eMag!
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