This may sound like a strangely dramatic way to introduceStarstruck: Hands of Time. If you look at the new PC game’s Steam page, you’ll find what looks like a goofy adventure that takes notes fromEarthbound,Guitar Hero, andKatamari Damacy. While that’s all true, the avant-garde advent...
PC Building Simulator 2,now in open beta on the Epic Games Store, isn’t any different. It’s Guitar Hero for PC enthusiasts, leaning more heavily on being a game than being a tool for learninghow to build a PC. As someone who tenses up at too much thermal paste, I expected forPC ...
Music and Games
Introducing MelodicsfromMelodicsonVimeo. I have to apologize a bit for the Guitar Hero metaphor – maybe, really, this is what Guitar Hero should have been. The problem with the arcade game format was that it was disconnected from the musical experience. The drum and keyboard inputs came clo...
这些靠游戏赚到钱的人,看起来更懂游戏在资本博弈中的杠杆价值we want to extend [our scope to include] online gaming and some physical-to-digital gaming because we’re seeing people staying home more and wanting to engage with their devices there. The co-founder of “Guitar Hero” [Kai Huang,...
Real Life Hero: Far too many to list in this limited space! Guilty pleasure of choice: Constantly updating my rig with stuff I "must" have to continue making music . . . How would your boss describe you? Knows how to take care of things on his own, deals with pressure and stress ...
Not too long after its launch in 2005, you'd be hard-pushed to visit any friends without being challenged to a round or two of Guitar Hero. Interest in learning to play a real guitar also blossomed, but many found the transition from guitar-shaped controller to actual instrument a ...
Digital Music News
Raise up Your Goblet of Rock to the Makers of Guitar Hero World TourSusan Boyer
Rift of the Necrodancerwas reviewed on PC andSteam Deck OLED. Editors’ Recommendations Rock Band, Guitar Hero studio Harmonix acquired by Epic Games When Covid-19 morphed into a full blown pandemic in 2020, artists were quick to work out their feelings through their work. Within its first ...