Chord diagram Information about this chord Alternative names A Major , A , Amaj , AM Tones 1, 3, 5 View major chord for guitar with other root notes C♭ - C - C♯ - D♭ - D - D♯ - E♭ - E - E♯ - F♭ - F - F♯ - G♭ - G - ...
TheA major guitar chord's notes: 1(A) - 3(C#) - 5(E) A Major chord's recommended scales:major scale,lydian scaleand thepentatonic major scale. See theA major guitar chordin detail with midi audio sound samples! More: the A major chord on2nd fretand on the5.fret. ...
Major Minor ...and the type of chord you are looking for. 1 2 3 Depending on how high on the guitar neck you want to play, there are different variations for each chord. Open chords (chords that have at least one open string sound) are usually easier to play and they are recommended...
Chord diagram 5 Information about this chord Alternative names A Major Add Ninth,A Major Add 9th,A Major Add 9,Aadd9,A(add9),Amaj(add9),AMadd9 Tones 1, 3, 5, 9 All Guitar Chords Diagrams Where should I start? As you can see above, there are lots ofdifferent chordsyou can learn...
Chord Types Major chords I - C A G E DMajor chords II - barre chordsMajor chords III - modernMinor chordsMinor seventh chords (m7)Dominant 7th chords (V7)Maj7 chordsDiminshed (dim) & Half Diminished (m7b5)Altered dominant 7th chords (V7alt)Sus and Add chordsSixth chords ...
Example: A Major chord The diagram shows the guitar fretboard, with the thickest string on the left and the high E string on the right. The numbers on the frets indicate where to press the strings. At the top of the diagram, you'll see an X or a 0 above certain strings. The X me...
G Major (1-finger version) Common G chords Here are the most common ways to play a G chord on guitar. Some are tough, but don’t worry, you can use the easy version above until you develop your control and strength to tackle the harder versions!
The free guitar chords on Chord Finder work in a very simply way. You can select the key, any that exist in a guitar. You can set the key as C Major or E Minor and get all the possible guitar chords that you can normally get. Once you set the key then you can play the free ...
For example, Mixolydian would work over a dominant 7th chord but not a major 7th chord, because mixolydian has a minor/flat 7th (not a major 7th) interval. A major chord with a #4 (augmented 4th, also called #11) is connected to Lydian, because Lydian has a #4 interval....
The A major chord is played with your first (index) finger on the 4th string (D-string) on the second fret. Your second finger (middle finger) on the 3rd string (G-string) on the second fret. And finally your third finger (ring finger) on the 2nd string (B-string) second fret. ...