From the longest fingernails to the tallest man, check out the incredible people whose unique talents and physical attributes have earned them a Guinness World Records title.
Erin Honeycutt, 38, from Michigan, USA, has been growing her beard for around two years. It now measures 30 cm (11.81 in), officially breaking the world record for thelongest beard on a living female. The previous record of 25.5 cm (10.04 in) belonged to...
The world is filled with weirdness. So when it comes to the world record,Guinness Bookhas plenty ofweirdnessrecorded in it over the years. So you are up for some unusual facts and record checks? Let us dive! # Most weight lifted by a beard Yes, that’s right. The beard can do some...
Other achievements related on that same page include ‘Most toothpicks in a beard’, ‘Most mousetraps released on the tongue in one minute’, ‘Most underpants pulled on’, ‘Most rubber bands stretched over the face’ and ‘Longest time spinning a basketball on a toothbrush’. (8313) The ...
2.Howlongisthelongestbeard?1.83m 3.Howoldistheyoungestcollegegraduate?10yearsold Unit1TheGuinnessBookofWorldRecords Supposeyouarethewriter,whatwillyouwriteaboutthebook?outline Para.1ThebirthoftheGuinnessBookofWorldRecords Para.2ThecategoriesintheGuinnessBookofWorldRecords Para.3Chineserecords Topics Para.4...
Photograph: Guinness World Records Alley, the cat, performed the Longest Jump By A Cat. Photograph: Guinness World Records Antanas Kontrimas broke the world record for the heaviest weight lifted with beard in 2013. Photograph:Guinness World Records ...
2. No longer restricted to the limits of physical paper, the Guinness World Records website contains seemingly innumerable facts concerning such topics as the most powerful combustion engine, or the world's longest train. What is striking, however, is that such facts are found sharing a page ...
There are some pretty strange and crazy world records out there. Like the longest fingernails, the most bobby pins in a beard, and the most underwear put on in a minute. This record fromMinnesota, though, is something that I didn't even know COULD be a record. ...
There are some pretty strange and crazy world records out there. Like the longest fingernails, the most bobby pins in a beard, and the most underwear put on in a minute. This record fromMinnesota, though, is something that I didn't even know COULD be a record. ...
Brittany Lacayo is an attorney in Houston. According to astory on the Guinness World Records website, Lacayo knew that her tongue was larger than normal, but she didn't think it was worthy of any major attention. Recently, some of her friends showed her a video of the current Guinness r...