Guinea pigs are Pets, how to care for your guinea pig and how to take care of your guinea pig see our guinea pig care guide including feeding guinea pigs what do guinea pigs need to be healthy know all about guinea pigs and the proper care of guinea pigs
Do you have a question about guinea pig health or care? Ask and our Vet will answer it for free!Please be sure to include important information such as age, breed, diet, medications, advice from your veterinarian or anything else you believe would be helpful.It also helps to include a pi...
Hello and welcome to Guinea Pig Corner!We aim to provide all the information you need to make your cavies' lives as fun and healthy as possible. By taking good care of your guinea pigs, you'll be rewarded with lively, playful pets who will give you many years of pleasure. This site i...
Baby guinea pigs need a warm enclosure, vet care, constant access to fresh hay, and small amounts of daily pellets and vegetables. Their mothers typically care for them so long as you provide the essentials, though… Read More Baby Guinea Pig Care: How to Care for Young Guinea Pigs ...
Guinea Pig Behaviour & Training Tips Guinea Pig Companionship Housing Your Guinea Pigs Guinea pigs need to keep their digestive systems busy with a mix of two kinds of fibre moving through the gut at all times. Consumer Care Line Call our consumer care line on +44 1405 862241 between 9am ...
The BEST Care Site The BEST place for care basics, a great introduction for beginners, is Guinea Lynx's Guide to Raising a Healthy Guinea Pig. Then when you have more specific questions, the Guinea Lynx site is one of the best online references for care and medical information. Please se...
Welcome to the Guinea Pig Manual. Here you will learn all about guinea pigs: how to feed them, handle them, about their behaviour, how to choose a cage, bedding, about their health, social life, and much more – everything you need to know about guinea pig care in one place. Verified...
How to care for your guinea pigalison johnson
Guinea pig rescue and adoption in Northern California. Info on care, sexing, pet stores, cages, neutering, introductions, breeding, vets, surrendering, and more. We have fun cartoons, movies, graphics, polls, photo albums, and more.
Guinea pigs make sociable and lovable pets. Despite their size, they can be a lot of work. Learn about behavior and care information.