Guilty pleasure dramas take everything to the extreme, adding crazy plot lines revolving around forbidden love, backstabbing, or jealousy. Guilty pleasure sitcoms are so cheesy they're funny. Guilty pleasure reality shows are usually, paradoxically, unrealistic and showcase the worst in human nature....
Can shopping be a guilty pleasure? The survey of women aged 17 to 50 revealed that a third feel more guilty about shopping now than they did before the credit crunch. ... “Going shopping now comes with more baggage, so women are trying to find creative ways to justify their spree while...
Guilty Displeasures? How Gen-Z Women Perceive (In)Authentic Femvertising MessagesAnna Christine BuckleyNatalia YannopoulouMatthew GortonSherly Lie
A designer bag to be me seems like a ludicrous expense, but if buying a bag will bring you insane pleasure and brighten up all the days you get to use it… well why not buy it? Modern women are expected to fulfil so many roles in life; have great careers, provide for their ...
Over 1K TV viewers have voted on the 380+ shows on Best Guilty Pleasure TV Shows. Current Top 3: Bewitched, The Flintstones, Sabrina the Teenage Witch (Page 3)
Zhou answered honestly, "Yes, I did..." Hearing this, the doctor stopped the examination: "We cannot continue the test today. Come back three days later for the test. Remember to abstain from sexual intercourse the day before the test." Why do women need to abstain from sex before gynec...
Guilty Displeasures? How Gen-Z Women Perceive (In)Authentic Femvertising MessagesSherly LieMatthew YannopoulouAnna Christine BuckleySherly LieMatthew Yannopoulou
Although everyone has their own ideas about what should be labeled ‘guilty pleasure’ TV, it’s not hard to admit that these shows, while not the greatest examples of television, are one thing: addictive. Why are we so ashamed to admit that we can’t get enough of these so-called ...
However, the present research finds guilty pleasure messages have strikingly different effects in men vs. women, for both physical and service products. Such messages result in more negative attitudes and lowered likelihood of purchase in men, yet higher attitudes and purchase likelihood in women. ...
Men hate it, women love it: Guilty pleasure advertising messagesLancellottiMatthewP.ThomasSunilingentaconnectJOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH