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Over 1K TV viewers have voted on the 380+ shows on Best Guilty Pleasure TV Shows. Current Top 3: Bewitched, The Flintstones, Sabrina the Teenage Witch (Page 2)
Mad Men: A True Guilty PleasureIts lack of political correctness is what makes it great, says Gerard GilbertGilbert, Gerard
Although everyone has their own ideas about what should be labeled ‘guilty pleasure’ TV, it’s not hard to admit that these shows, while not the greatest examples of television, are one thing: addictive. Why are we so ashamed to admit that we can’t get enough of these so-called ...
However, the present research finds guilty pleasure messages have strikingly different effects in men vs. women, for both physical and service products. Such messages result in more negative attitudes and lowered likelihood of purchase in men, yet higher attitudes and purchase likelihood in women. ...
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Guilty pleasure at enjoying Real MenReviews the BBC2 television program 'Real Men,' starring Ben Daniels.Billen, AndrewNew Statesman
Guilty Pleasure at Enjoying Real Men: Andrew Billen on a Violent, Sexualised and Disturbing New Drama. (Television)There were many nasty surprises in BBC2's drama RealMen (12 and 13 March, 9pm), but they were...Billen, Andrew
Men hate it, women love it: Guilty pleasure advertising messagesLancellottiMatthewP.ThomasSunilingentaconnectJOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH
Over 1K TV viewers have voted on the 380+ shows on Best Guilty Pleasure TV Shows. Current Top 3: Bewitched, The Flintstones, Sabrina the Teenage Witch (Page 3)