All this said, however, there really is no single correct tier list for Guilty Gear Strive. Each character has arolethat determines his or her weaknesses, and how you exploit these might determine your chances of victory. Victory depends on your mastery of the character. It’s important to ...
《Guilty Gear -Strive-》登场角色情报分享,来自巴西的「乔凡娜」与她的灵体狼伙伴「雷伊」!战斗时因为有灵体狼「雷伊」的帮助,让她的力量与速度获得超乎人类想像的提升! #Guilty_Gear_Strive# #GuiltyGear...
Experience the thrill of battle with the in-depth mechanics and gorgeous animations of Guilty Gear -Strive-, the latest entry in the cutting edge Guilty Gear series!- Graphics so stunning they look like hand-drawn animation!Graphical advances make for a game so beautiful it could be mistaken ...
《Guilty Gear -Strive-》中文奖杯列表 只看楼主收藏回复 轻松熊大人 时光旅者 11 罪恶装备strive奖杯出来了,刚才发了被系统删了 送TA礼物 1楼2021-06-03 15:44回复 Flow 元老院 13 奖杯难度比XRD两部低了很多,看上去只有对战100场启示者又是大厅又是排位刷了好几天 2楼2021-06-04 20:18 收起...
Experience the thrill of battle with the in-depth mechanics and gorgeous animations of Guilty Gear -Strive-, the latest entry in the cutting edge Guilty Gear series!- Graphics so stunning they look like hand-drawn animation!Graphical advances make for a game so beautiful it could be mistaken ...
原本以為永遠不會在這邊上傳影片沒想到影片做完後丟某管直接被擋下來思來想去也不能就這麼算了都做完了就找個地方丟上來吧跟之前的翻譯不同這次的譯文是偏向原文想表達的意思+態度例如Buckle up原文是繫上安全帶不過這邊給的態度比較像是要你準備好、跟上的意思需要解釋的還
The open resource for Guilty Gear -Strive-. Home to combos, character guides, frame data, hitboxes, and more.
Announcing the anime! "GUILTY GEAR STRIVE: DUAL RULE... Official images for use by fans of Guilty Gear -Stri... To the NEWS section UPDATE 2025/1/17 Change to Venom Release Timing and Updated Game Roadmap 2024/12/20 [Ver. 1.43] Patch Notes (Dec. 19, 2024) ...
Feeling guilty, they hid in the Forest of Demons, before resolving to protect the half-Gear Dizzy from the humans who pursued her. Although this began as a way to atone for their sins, it ended up bringing back their human sensibility. ...
GUILTY GEAR STRIVE *从GGXrd往后有官中 *游戏内部有GGworld一栏,附有人物、设定等介绍,可以看看来了解下角色和世界观 *本人今年才开始玩GG系列,个人很喜欢角色和剧情,在查阅官方资料的时候被GG官方资料之多之有趣惊喜到了,所以整理出写了这篇文章,同时也方便想要了解角色、看剧情的同好查阅,毕竟有些资料确实年代...