Guilin hotel has 449 rooms, overlooking the scenic Li River scenery is ideal for business trips and leisure accommodation. Guilin has a diecaishan, and many other attractive tourist destination, city walk from tourist areas with convenient traffic. Business traveler takes only 10 minutes by car you...
Diecaishan,a scenic concentrated with inscriptions on precipices in Guilin,is chosen as the example in this case study.The tourist's perception to calligraphic landscape is extracted through influence factor analysis and the differences in perceptual image are researched in light of demographics of the...
叠彩山位于桂林市漓江畔,包括四望山、于越山和明月、仙鹤两座山峰,是唐代文学家元晦开发的旅游胜地,按照《图经》“山以石文横布,彩翠相间,若叠彩然”将其命名为“叠彩山”。 叠彩山滨临漓江,与独秀峰、伏波山鼎足而立,主要景观有叠彩亭的美石、风洞的摩崖石刻造像、望江亭看两江四湖风光以及明月峰顶鸟瞰桂林全景...
叠彩山 位于桂林市区东北部,滨临漓江,占地面积约2平方公里,由明月峰、仙鹤峰和四望山、于越山组成,因山石层层横断,像彩绸锦缎相叠,因而得名。 这里与城中的独秀峰、漓江畔的伏波山同为城内的游览胜地。山中佳景甚多,历代名人的摩崖石刻尤多。山的南麓有登山古道,拾级而上数十步即可到达叠彩亭。亭东的小山就是...
广西叠彩山,叠彩山与城中的独秀峰、漓江畔的伏波山鼎足而立,同为城内的游览胜地。叠彩山占地面积约2平方公里,由明月峰、仙鹤峰和四望山、于越山组成,横亘市区,景色优美,又易于攀登,为桂林山景中的一个热点。>>详细介绍 三、桂林叠彩山天气旅游指数