学校所在地:5800 W Friendly Avenue,Greensboro,NC, 27410-4108 吉尔福德学院(Guilford College)是一所位于美国北卡罗来纳州吉尔福德县的私立文理学院,成立于1837年。作为一所以其优秀的学术声誉和注重人文教育而闻名的高等院校,吉尔福德学院秉承“求知、责任与服务”的校训,致力于培养全面发展的学生,强调批判性思维和社...
Battleground North offers luxury 1 & 2 bedroom apartments in Greensboro, NC! Fantastic amenities + Great location in Guilford County & near Westridge Square. Click for more!
Crystal Lake Townhomes offers upgraded townhomes in Greensboro, NC in Guilford County with the finest amenities. Visit our website for more information.
Battleground North offers luxury 1 & 2 bedroom apartments in Greensboro, NC! Fantastic amenities + Great location in Guilford County & near Westridge Square. Click for more!
Crystal Lake Townhomes offers upgraded townhomes in Greensboro, NC in Guilford County with the finest amenities. Visit our website for more information.
地區代碼 336-297 位於 GREENSBORO, GUILFORD, NC, 更詳細如下。 位置 NPA (編號計劃區):336 NXX (本地電話號碼前綴):297 城市:GREENSBORO 區縣:GUILFORD 州:NC (北卡羅萊納州) NXX使用類型:座機 NXX引入時間:1998-01-25 FIPS (聯邦信息處理標準):37081 ...
#8 in Greensboro, NC Metro Area High Schools #7 in Guilford County Schools High Schools 88.34 SCORECARD Took at Least One AP® Exam64% Passed at Least One AP® Exam42% Mathematics Proficiency35% Reading Proficiency75% Science Proficiency59% Graduation Rate92%...
#1 in North Carolina High Schools #1 in Greensboro, NC Metro Area High Schools #1 in Guilford County Schools High Schools #4 in STEM High Schools 99.91 SCORECARD Took at Least One AP® Exam98% Passed at Least One AP® Exam98% ...
bring to light the underreported and untold social justice stories of Guilford College, of Greensboro, of the United States and abroad investigate and hold the College accountable to its commitment to the seven core values promote dialogue between our organization and the Guilford College community to...
Substitute Teacher(在职员工)-Greensboro, NC-2024年7月19日 I had the fortune of spending the majority of the year at a school with solid administrators. Their leadership and support empowered me to instruct our students. There was a moment early in the school year where the county suddenly shi...