participation rate at southwest guilford high school is 59%. the total minority enrollment is 70%, and 51% of students are economically disadvantaged. southwest guilford high school is 1 of 30 high schools in the guilford county schools . southwest guilford high school...
northern guilford high school is 64%. the total minority enrollment is 39%, and 25% of students are economically disadvantaged. northern guilford high school is 1 of 30 high schools in the guilford county schools . northern guilford high school 2024 rankings northern gui...
With its predecessor founded in 1509, the Royal Grammar School (RGS) was newly established by King Edward VI in 1552 and officially formed after it was granted the Royal Charter. Located in Guildford, the county town of Surrey in the southeast of England, RGS enjoys great prestige throughout...
toenrolltheirstudentsinGuilfordCountySchools(GCS). EachstudentenrolledinGCSisassignedtoanelementary,middleorhighschool inoneofthreeways: 1)Basedontheattendanceareainwhichthestudent‘sparent(s) orcourt-appointedguardian/custodianresides, 2)Throughtheapplicationtoamagnetschoolorhighschooloptionor 3)Through...
With its predecessor founded in 1509, the Royal Grammar School (RGS) was newly established by King Edward VI in 1552 and officially formed after it was granted the Royal Charter. Located in Guildford, the county town of Surrey in the southeast of England, RGS enjoys great prestige throughout...
#1 in Guilford County Schools High Schools #4 in STEM High Schools 99.91 SCORECARD Took at Least One AP® Exam98% Passed at Least One AP® Exam98% Reading Proficiency100% Science Proficiency100% Graduation Rate> 95% Exclusive Webinar AO Advice: How Your...
The AP® participation rate at Northeast Guilford High School is 32%. The total minority enrollment is 84%, and 100% of students are economically disadvantaged. Northeast Guilford High School is 1 of 30 high schools in the Guilford County Schools. Northeast Guilfo...