Honestly they really need is some way that if your dps is too low, you do no healing, you provide no boons or rezes, and you sit full dead under the boss refusing to waypoint, you are ejected from the map so someone else can take your spot. They game really needs a way to tell ...
Gacha games similar to Genshin and all that, and after learning about its monetization strategy, it really got me thinking about how I spend money on Guild Wars --specifically in that I've been trying to be a bit more open about buying gems to support the game. After all,...
Here are my ideas and wishes for the main and offhand pistols. The idea would be a hybrid damage weapon with some ranged control + defensive elements to add elements that the Guardian currently lacks in its weapons and create new interesting options with
Cele is balanced because it only shines in roaming/small sirmishes. People who mostly flip camps and occasionally take a tower when the enemy blob isn't looking. It gives you the best chance of coming out alive if 5+ people come to stop your solo push. If Cele builds were capable of ...
Coming back to the game one of the main things I loved was WvW. Now, it's simply a game of "what server is active the most right now". All 3 servers are winning at different times of the day, based on when the server is more active. It's not about battli
hoursskirmishes to be 90-10-10 in favor of one team. VP weights that a bit more towards the losing teams, so that the overall score doesn't reflect how utterly blown out those two teams have gotten. But if you weighted VP by warscore,the two losing teams in this case would get ...
By Burial.1958 March 16, 2022 in Guild Wars 2 Discussion Share Followers 0 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2 Burial.1958 Members 517 Posted March 16, 2022 Hello dear people, in the German forum some users report that they were banned for a few hours after using Yolomouse. My question ...
So! The changes to Druid have been a mixed bag; the Damage Druid abilities are amazing. It finally feels like you can be an actual threat and not an annoyance with Druid. But on the far side, Alacrity Druid is faltering hard due to how poorly designed it
A similar thread was created back when the big balance patch hit earlier this year, but since quite a bit of time has passed, I figured I'd start a topic on this again.For anybody who has been running support Druid in WvW, what have your experiences been
Introduction & disclaimer(s) This is a post I'm thinking about making since the reveal of untamed. I've been really on and off about it because I'm not that sure this is the place for a peacefull and constructive discussion, but since we just got a near