So I’m thinking if I was to return to Classic WoW, I would probably have to roll a vastly different character with a different name, indeed maybe this would be the time to roll horde. In any case, that’s a big “if”! Monty is very skeptical of all this WoW business! Posted in...
I have the right to make mistakes, and most likely forget to add your guild here so please post it in the thread for me so i may add it to the OP Yo, With classic a month away i’m going to go dig up on the forums for all the guild threads, folks around here been asking for...
I was an epic tree healer on WoTLK back in the day (I was ranked 4th best on the server for a while) then switched to a Lock and pumped out some nice DPS. But that was then - I see the game has changed quite a bit since then. I am lfg that is on the mature side - older...
Our guild environment/community is like back in the glory days of WotLK. A mature atmosphere free of stress, vulgarity, discrimination, and all that other toxic stuff is our top priority. We are more than just raiding and focus on building gaming friendships with like minded adults. We are ...
I did vote with my wallet and unsubscribed from WoW at the end of WotLK, after a 6 years run of raiding madness. It has clearly made no impact whatsoever. If anything, Blizzard has become even less of a company I like to endorse than I did back then. But hey, I have the grim sat...