Puerto Rico Facts Summary: The Monte Guilarte Hollyfern (Polystichum calderonense) is a species of concern belonging in the species group "plants" and found in the following area(s): Puerto Rico. Creature Profile Share This article is only an excerpt. If it appears incomplete or if you...
During a break in the clouds, we decided to try for the peak (Pico Guilarte), which (at almost 4000 feet above sea level) is the fifth highest point in Puerto Rico.The hike to the peak is not a long hike, but it can be a bit difficult. There was visible hurricane damage ...
zapotecocaribaea, which is known only from Martinique, are native to Puerto Rico. Psilocybe guilartensis, previously described from Puerto Rico, is the most commonly collected species of Psilocybe in Puerto Rico. New information on morphology is provided for P. guilartensis, and an emendation of...
zapotecocaribaea, which is known only from Martinique, are native to Puerto Rico. Psilocybe guilartensis, previously described from Puerto Rico, is the most commonly collected species of Psilocybe in Puerto Rico. New information on morphology is provided for P. guilartensis, and an emendation of...