This new edition of WHO's Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality provides a state-of-the art perspective on issues of water quality and health and on effective approaches to water safety management. The Guidelines are used by countries worldwide as a scientific basis for standard setting and regul...
饮用水水质标准,第4版 Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, 4th Edition 星级: 564 页 世界卫生组织《饮用水水质标准》(第二版) 星级: 7 页 世界卫生组织《饮用水水质标准》8931700887 星级: 11 页 世界卫生组织《饮用水水质标准》第二版TextMark 星级: 7 页 世界卫生组织饮用水水质标准TextMark 星...
《饮用水水质指导原则》(Guidelines for drinking-water quality, fourth ed)是由世界卫生组织(World Health Organization, WHO)和联合国环境规划署(United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP)共同制定的,旨在为全球提供一套统一、科学、严谨的饮用水水质标准和指导原则,以保障人类饮水安全和公共卫生。 2.饮用水水质指...
Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality- 4th Edition, World Health Organization, Geneva.Guidelines for drinking-water quality - 4th edition. ISBN 978 92 4 154815 1. WHO 2011.World Health Organization.Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality 4th Edition[S].Geneva:WHO,2011:160-165....
GuidelinesforDrinking-waterQuality(世界卫生 组织饮用水质量指导标准第四版) Guidelinesfor Drinking-waterQuality FOURTHEDITIONWHOLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData Guidelinesfordrinking-waterquality-4th ed 1Potablewater-standards2Water-standards3Waterquality- standards 4GuidelinesIWorldHealthOrganization ISBN978924154...
被引量: 1发表: 2004年 Rolling revisions of the guidelines for drinking-water quality: aspects of protection and control and of microbiological quality : report on a WHO meeting,... The WHO Guidelines for drinking-water quality provide important information for regulators, scientists and practitioners...
This fourth edition of the World Health Organisation's Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality builds on over 50 years of guidance by WHO on drinking-water quality, which has formed an authoritative basis for the setting of national regulations and standards for water safety in support of public hea...
This edition of the Guidelines for drinking-water quality integrates the third edi- tion, which was published in 2004, with both the first addendum to the third edition, published in 2006, and the second addendum to the third edition, published in 2008. It supersedes previous editions of ...
6) monitoring of drinking water 饮水质量监测 例句>> 补充资料:产品质量认证机构认可准则 产品质量认证机构认可准则 criteria for accreditation of product quality certification bodies C陌nPin zhiliong renzhengj}谬浏renke zhunZe产品质.认证机构认可准则(criteria forac-c代月itation ofp耐uct甲ality certi6...
6) International Standard for Drinking Water 国际饮用水标准补充资料:水中有机成分及其饮用水水质的影响 李晓东 蔡国庆 马军 摘要:M 水中微量有机污染物和氯化消毒副产物对饮用水水质构成直接威胁,是饮用水中重点控制的有机成分;天然大分子有机物对水质构成间接影响,导致胶体稳定性提高、混凝剂药耗增加;藻类和代谢...