All members of the working group had declared their individual conflicts of interest according to the rules of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). The guideline was developed in accordance with official standards of the Guideline International Network (GIN) and based on ...
Mlika-Cabanne N, Harbour R, de BH, Laurence M, Cook R, Twaddle S, Guidelines International Network (GIN) Working Group on Evidence Tables: Sharing hard labour: developing a standard template for data summaries in guideline development. BMJ Quality & Safety 2011, 20:141-145....
Practical guidance for guideline development is available through the checklist created by the Guidelines International Network (GIN) and McMaster University4 and implemented in GRADEpro software ( Item 15 of this checklist addresses “Reporting and peer review” and provides pointers...
Clinical guideline developers (e.g. NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) (currently nearly 100 organisations listed on the Guidelines International Network website,, 10 March 2015) (iv) Patient facilitators of patient and public involvement (PPI)...
Clinical guideline developers (e.g. NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) (currently nearly 100 organisations listed on the Guidelines International Network website,, 10 March 2015) (iv) Patient facilitators of patient and public involvement (PPI)...
2006. children presenting to primary care: a prospective cohort study. Fam Pract 35. Cochran D. Diagnosing and treating chesty infants. A short trial of inhaled 2003;20:696-705. corticosteroid is probably the best approach. BMJ 1998;316:1546-7. 12. Velissariou IM, ...
Available at: [Accessed: 20 May 2008]. 2. Humbert M, Holgate S, Boulet LP, Bousquet J. Asthma control or severity: that is the question. Allergy 2007;62(2):95-101. 3. Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA). Global Strategy for Asthma Management and ...
To fulfill international methodic requirements, a systematic search of the literature with selection of new publications (used as evidence) in the established data bases (Medline, BIOSIS, Previews, CDSR, ACP Journal Club, DARE, CCTR, CINHAL) and the Guidelines International Network (GIN) was ...
The GIN-McMaster guideline tool extension for the integration of quality improvement and quality assurance in guidelines: a description of the methods for its development J Clin Epidemiol, 154 (2022), pp. 197-203 Google Scholar [67] H.J. Schunemann, W. Wiercioch, I. Etxeandia, M. Falavign...
You might be surprised to find out how many calories there are in wine and how spirits like gin could be contributing to weight gain. You can check how many units of alcohol you drink per week (and how many calories this adds up to) using the online calculator at (1 unit = 8 g of...