Guided Access app unavailable. Please contact your administrator iPhone 12 was enrolled via ABM to Microsoft InTune. Upon factory reset of the iPhone from Settings, the phone came back on with an error "Guided Access app unavailable. Please contact your administrator" and the phone is frozen. D...
When restoring an iPhone from an iCloud backup, are you able to use Company Portal authentication when running Company Portal in Single App Mode until...
I can't get out of guided access on my iPad. The triple-tapping home button brings up a password entry screen but doesn't allow me to type in the password, and the screen is frozen on that screen. Tried rebooting/restarting the iPad a few times but just returned to the locked screen...
Exclusion criteria were the following: • Untreated or residual periodontal disease; • Uncontrolled diabetes (HbA1c > 7.5%); • Antiresorptive therapy; • Head and/or neck radiotherapy; • Immunosuppressive therapy; • Incomplete or unavailable medical and periodontal charts (including ...