Individuals earning income that arises in, or is derived from, a Hong Kong office or Hong Kong employment, or from services rendered in Hong Kong during visits of more than 60 days in any tax year, are subject to salaries tax. Hong Kong observes a territorial basis of taxation; therefore,...,Specimenof CompletedTaxReturn-Individualsandotherinformationunder ‘TaxInformation:Individuals’ usethe‘Fax-A-Form’Service(25986001),selectthelanguage andpressthefollowingkeystoobtain:RelatedTaxRules[Key(2) (5)],SpecimenofCompletedTaxReturn-Individuals[Key(2) (4)],Pro...
Professional tax consultants can provide invaluable assistance to individuals who are faced with the task of filing complex non-salary income tax returns in China. Our FDI China Tax Consultants have a thorough understanding of the tax laws and regulations in China, and can help individuals navigate...
Tax advice and preparation fees How to file taxes as an independent contractor Whether you operate as a sole proprietor or LLC, there are two key ways self-employed individuals file taxes: paying estimated tax payments every quarter and filing a tax return once a year. Pay quarterly estimated ...
However, resident individuals are not taxed on foreign-sourced income unless it is remitted to Singapore. Certain types of foreign income may qualify for tax exemptions if certain conditions are met, including: Foreign-source dividend income Foreign branch profits Foreign-source service income received...
Start Your Return Welcome to the wonderful world of tax refunds, where the dollars you receive after filing taxes can either bring a smile to your face or leave you scratching your head. Taxes play a significant role in your financial life, and your annual tax refund can have a big impact...
For non-residents in Hong Kong, they will need to file the BIR54 form With respect for persons other than corporations the form, they will need to file is the BIR52 form IndividualTax Return You must submit a BIR60 form to declare your incomes, rental income from only owned properties an...
For many people, 2024 has been a challenging year for financial and tax planning. Here's everything you need to know to complete your taxes accurately and efficiently this year.
It is not mandatory to have a job secured in Hong Kong at the time of your application. Alternatively, the TTPS is also available to individuals who graduated from top universities and who have either at least three years of work experience over the past five years immediately preceding the...
The country spans a mere 1104 square kilometers and has a population density of 7134.87 individuals per square kilometer. Hong Kong not only has a huge population but also a very skilled talent pool. Do your organization’s expansion plans require you to hire employees in Hong Kong? Do you ...