Guide to Sleep Focus, relax, or drift off to this playlist of original music from Headspace Guide to Sleep, now streaming on Netflix.Try 14 days freePlay SampleShare: Better mental health starts with Headspace. Unrivaled expertise to make life feel a little easier, using guided meditations,...
【Netflix纪录片《睡眠指南Guide to Sleep》】通过七集动画,学习如何拥有更好的睡眠,解读关于睡眠上的错误认知。❶如何改善睡眠❷收起手机❸奇异梦世界❹释放压力❺安眠药的真相❻改善失眠❼完美睡眠节奏 #拯...
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Netflix纪录片《Headspace睡眠指南/安眠指南Headspace Guide to Sleep 2021》中,跟随Headspace学习如何拥有更好的睡眠。每一集都将解读错误的认识、提供实用的技巧并以指导性的放松练习结尾。 Netflix纪录片《Headspace睡眠指南/安眠指南 Headspace Guide to Sleep 2021》...
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Sleep Problems and Solutions for Infants and Toddlers If babies and toddlers need to rest so much, why do so many of them put up such a fuss at night? There are several reasons why our kids might not want to fall asleep. In the case of my two-year-old daughter, she finds a pair ...
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There are several things that you can do to help your child get enough good quality sleep. [/pullquote] Introduction Sleep problems are a widespread issue that has the potential to seriously reduce your child’s quality of life. Part of my own work as a clinical psychologist involves helping...