DotA 2 Game GuideCris Converse
Now in some matchups this is not possible to do, for example if you are a lion solo support against a clockwerk you can’t zone him out completely no matter what. This is the situation when you just have to deny creeps with your carry, don’t take too much damage and if your pulls...
Focus on always having at least 1 Decay stack up,but do not use Decay more than once on a single target,it’s wasted mana.Be extremely careful until you hit level 2,since level 1 Undying is really weak.Try to bait the opponent by staying low hp in fights,this will encourage them to...
Whether you're actually interested in playing Dota 2 or not is another story, but chances are, you might at least want to watch it. If you've found the game confusing, don't worry, you're not alone -- there's a lot going on in this game at any given time. As anticipation for ...
SKIN TONE Update - Painting 3D Printed DEMONS groundeffected涂魔女之刃(自用) 5.3万 211 9:56 App 【7.37e】五个最强3号位!中老年最爱的轮椅英雄! 1.3万 164 14:56 App 【Sccc卡尔】对战Ame小黑,冬天又来了,吃顿好的 2.1万 20 16:18 App 【集锦版】XG对战Tundra,毛哥拿出了剧毒,被看穿了 1.4万...
A comprehensive guide for all new Dota 2 players who just started this game! Try out these top 10 easiest heroes of Dota 2 and enjoy the game!
With his wealth of strength and agility growth, Slardar is a very potent fighter, able to directly engage and defeat most enemies in head-on engagements, especially once he has farmed up the items he needs. However, he also has among the lowest intellige
Dota 2 Tidehunter – Pros and Cons Here are the greatest strengths and weaknesses that make Sven the Rogue Night. Pros: Devastating teamfight abilities Packed with disables and debuffs Hard to disable and kill Flexible playstyle and itemization Cons: Dependent on levels Dependent on Ravage for ...
This means you have to be extra vigilant and watch enemy heroes closely. Also you need to pick a durable hero with low gold-dependency and excellent escape abilities to play on this lane. TheDota 2 Jungleis the forest between the lanes. Some heroes are great at killing neutral creeps place...
Riki has a base movement speed of 315, giving him a sharp advantage compared to other enemy in Dota 2. The increased movement speed can be used to jump in on enemy heroes and cast his abilities to silence Riki’s opponents. He gains 1.4 Agility per level that can be used to deal bonu...