Although it is important to be clear about the consequences of not following through, it’s important to realize that this is not a disciplinary hearing (at least not at this point), so it should not be sent as a reprimand, but rather focus on what should be done to fix the issue. A...
Get your team in sync with our easy-to-use, all-in-one employee app. Get started for free with Homebase Attendance and Tardiness Policies Tardiness in the workplace can affect productivity and morale. You should outline expectations for reporting absences and tardiness, like arriving more than ...
There is currently no existing law in the UK specifically relating to dress codes and uniforms at work. This means employers can decide if and what rules to implement in the workplace. However, if an employer does decide to impose a dress code, they must ensure that the rules do not unla...
Employee write-ups are written warnings that usually follow other forms of disciplinary action that have not resulted in theimprovementof an employee’s conduct or performance. They are included in an employee’s permanent record and can be used to determine future promotions or even terminations. ...
Since my last post was about the phrase “women of a certain age”, I was intrigued to see a report in the Mail Online last week which claimed that Bristol University wants to ban it, along with other ageist expressions like “golden years” and “silver surfer”. According to the Mail...
AGuide orAssistingColleaguesWhoDemonstrateImpairmentintheWorkplaceDOHPUB600-006 1 IntroDuCtIon Limiteddataexistsonthenumbero healthpro essionalswhomisuse alcoholandotherdrugs,becausetheyrarelyreportthemselves or ear o disciplinaryaction.However,itiswidelybelievedthathealthpro es ...
Workplace safety Workplace safety is considered regulatory compliance under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) agency. Depending on what your organization does and in what sector, you’ll have different industry standards to follow. For example, construction workers are constantly ...
It takes a holistic approach to education and teaches students unique skills that give them a competitive advantage in the workplace. It teaches students the marketing and entrepreneurship skills they need to understand their target audience. It then delves into the technical skills to create a de...
Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) is an immigration status within the United Kingdom, offering non-British citizens the opportunity to reside in the country without any time restrictions. With indefinite leave to remain, you attain the right to live, work
This search looks for any criminal convictions on the applicant’s record. Certain positions, such as those that work with children or the elderly, need a more in-depth criminal background check. National Sex Offender Search. This search checks to see if the applicant is listed on any nationa...