The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild How to Guides The Legend of Zelda:BOTW is a very intuitive game, but sometimes you need a little help (otherwise you wouldn't be reading this). IGN has provided the followinghow toguides to make things a little easier: ...
A century before BotW, Zelda met with the champions and went on a journey to learn everything she could about the ancient relics that could help her stop Ganon. At this point in her life, she meets Link, who is appointed her knight and personal guard. Throughout the timeline of the ser...
All BOTW Shrine Locations All 120 Shrine Locations can be seen on IGN's Interactive BOTW Shrine Map. Use the check box feature in the interactive map to mark the ones you've finished complete (note: requires cookies to be enabled). The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Shrines Shrine...
Next:Zelda: BOTW Player Finds a Simpler Way To Get Horse Into Zora's Domain The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wildis available on Nintendo Switch.