Welcome to our WotLK Classic leveling guide for Rogues! Masters of stealth and deception, Rogues are known for suddenly appearing, employing skirmish strategies to kill a priority target, and vanishing just as quickly as they came. Rogues in WotLK Classi
Demonology is not S tier spec in no shape and form all of WOTLk 0 Reply Recent News Molten Core Will Have a Weekly Lockout; Other Bosses Will Be Biweekly Raid Lockout Changes, Warrior, Druid & Shaman Tweaks Mage, Hunter, and Warlock Adjustments on the Season of Discovery PTR Recent ...
Fire mages- similar to above except you have the option of using dragons breath as soon as they death grip instead of nova( i recommend it because it has less of a cooldown). and of course replace the main nuke with fireball. use cone of cold to slow them down since fire has no ...
WotLK –Wrath of the Lich King (2nd expansion) WoW –World of Warcraft :) WTB –Want to Buy WTS –Want to Sell WTT –Want to Trade XP –Experience. Also called Exp. Zerg –Used when referring to instances outgeared by the toon(s) in question, making everything easy to kill, and ...
WotLK Warrior Guide – Prot (Level 80) Wrath Warrior Guide Rating: Hello everybody. First, I would like to tell you something about myself and what you can expect from this “guide”. I play wow (= warrior) since january 2009. I switched several servers, before I ended here. ...
==Note==Certain classes might be able to solo the first 3 bosses depending on their gear (Death Knights, Hunters, Warlocks with Voidwalker tanking, Feral Druids, Paladins, Shamans with Earth Elemental Totem up), but not the last 2 quests in the chain. ...
heals are going, kill the priest but never forget that a paladin that is smart is far more deadly that a priest. Make sure he is not healing. Do a video search on the mage forum for Jamaz. Watch that and look out for that type. Also kill druids, they can heal and deserve to ...
Fan Central Current Then Grommash Hellscream and Garrosh Hellscream and Turalyon with his face full of whipped cream and all of the glowing naaru and the Drakkari and King Mrgl-Mrgl and a dwarf named Yarley. And Illidan and Sylvanas, Malfurion and Lady Vashj, ...
Always open with a Polymorph when they have full HP or have just healed themselves to 90%ish HP (e.g. after they use Lay on Hands) and strike a big nuke. Also as they heal and have a big health pool, you should consider that you may run out of mana before they die. So, make...
Desperate Prayer is an instant, self-heal that can restore upwards of 1500 health. Feedback is less useful, draining mana and health when spells hit you. That makes a dwarf the best choice for an Alliance priest. Their racial passive aren’t helpful, but their priest abilities are fantastic...