The article focuses on the planning for sustainable waste management issued by the Great Britain's Department for Communities and Local Government. It mentions that the core principles of the plan-led appro...
For example, in the context of pro-environmental behavior, the theory of planned behavior can be used to explain and predict behaviors such as water conservation, energy saving, waste sorting, and low-carbon travel. In terms of health behavior, it can be used to study behaviors like seeking ...
In the solution procedure of the AHP, it is supposed that factors at all levels should be independent, but in reality, many problems cannot be constructed in a hierarchy model because the relationship of mutual effect and dependence is likely to hide between factors at both high and low ...
The solar or stellar logos guides the evolution of the solar system, and the evolution of the races of mankind is connected with the hierarchy of the Archangels. The spirits of stars are the builders of the universe. Study the evolution of the stars, the suns from red giants, white dwarf...