Thisisonlinemapof theaddress"Chang JiangBeiLuQingFengXiang ,GuichiDistrict, Chizhou City,AnhuiProvince,China". 这是地址“中国安徽省池州市贵池区长江北路青风巷”匹配的在线电子地图。 3. Liu ChengandHisFourGuichi"PoemsofWatchingNuo" ...
航拍池州贵池段长江岸线 / A bird’s eye view of the Yangtze River section in Guichi, Chizhou Cuiwei, Qiupu and Qingxi, those old names of this place are the best footnotes for Guichi. Too many deions have dedicated to Guichi, and too many lines composed in poems are for Guichi. The...
Guichi historical weather, historical air quality, Guichi average temperature and average precipitation, typical meteorological year data, historical weather data services in China, etc.
Guichi 30 days forecast, weather trend in the next 30 days, also 30 days precipitation forecast and Guichi travel weather forecast
The famous drama " Nuo" popular in town of Guichi in Anhui Province in China is a traditional folk dancing and drama activities where actor and actress performed with masks, playing the role of Chinese folk ceremony honoring the gods and ancestors; it is originated from the ancient sprite of...
Guichi经纬度及电子地图 城市中文名称 : 城市英文名称 : Guichi 州或国家代码 : CN 国家中文名 : 中国 国家英文名 : China 城市所在纬度 : 30°40'00.00"N 城市所在经度 : 117°28'00.00"E
Search with English, Pinyin, or Chinese characters. Powered byCC-CEDICT 贵池Trad.貴池 Guì chí Guichidistrict of Chizhou city 池州市[Chi2 zhou1 shi4], Anhui ShowStrokes 贵池区Trad.貴池區 Guì chí qū Guichidistrict of Chizhou city 池州市[Chi2 zhou1 shi4], Anhui ...
1) Guichi area 贵池地区1. The Tangtian manganese ore deposit lies in Gufeng formation of Permian system in Guichi area, Anhui province including sedimentary carbonate manganese ore and the oxidized manganese ore. 安徽贵池地区唐田沉积锰矿床赋存于二叠系孤峰组,包括沉积作用形成的碳酸锰矿和经后期氧化...
Guichi District热销酒店 维也纳国际酒店(池州高铁站店) 2 out of 5 永明路397号, 池州, 安徽 入住池州的这家酒店。客人可使用免费停车设施。附近有热门景点池州祁山风景区和池州体育场。 查看价格维也纳国际酒店(池州高铁站店) 池州九华机场宾馆 2 out of 5 梅龙办事处街上, 池州, 安徽 入住池州的这家...