专有中药配方 中药名英文拼音 桂枝 Cassia twig Gui Zhi 茯苓 Poria sclerotium Fu Ling 牡丹皮 Tree peony root bark Mu Dan Pi 桃仁 Peach seed Tao Ren 白芍 Chinese peony root without bark Bai ShaoPreparation 不包衣以便更快吸收 圆丸便于吞咽 由100%纯天然中药制成。每味中药都经真品检定,质量上乘。
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan Reduces Fibroids in Combination with MedicationSherman, Lisa
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Tang has been used for centuries to support comfort in the uterus or during menstruation. It works to remove blood stasis. Blood stasis, according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory, is a root cause for dicomfort associated with the menstrual cycle. Think of blood ...