local BSPBubble = script.Parent.ChatBubble local function createBubble(message) local chatBubbleFolder = script.Parent.SideBar.ChatCorner.Bubbles -- Der Ordner, in dem sich die Chat-Bubbles befinden local newBubble = script.Parent.ChatBubble:Clone() -- Erstellt eine Kopie des ChatBubble-Objekts ...
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(Player) Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(Character) local Bar = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Gui").HealthHolder.HealthBar local Holder = script.Parent local hp = 100 local mps = game:GetService("MarketplaceService") local function update...
現在,遊戲中的大部分資訊都在輸出視窗中,玩家無法看到。因此,玩家可以被告知遊戲中發生了什麼事情,並且創建一個圖形用戶界面 (GUI) 並將其編寫。 使用GUI 顯示資訊 對於此遊戲,標籤將顯示當前遊戲狀態以及剩餘玩家數量和時間。 中場休息期間 在比賽期間
直接进入正题吧 开始配置 打开SAP GUI,点击左上角 文件>新建>新建连接 然后会看到 添加描述...
Thanks for stopping by! 1 个赞 ogether123(hellothere)2024 年8 月 6 日 03:43#2 Firstly,are u firing the player client()? Secondly,although debounce might work Here is the debounce script Local de = falsr If de == false theb
Not Creatable Service Not Replicated The CoreGui is a service used to store Guis created in-game by Roblox for the core user interface found in every game (such as the game menu, the playerlist, the backpack, etc.). It can also be used byPluginsin Roblox Studio. ...
文件对象 = open('文件名','使用方式') rt:读取一个txt文件 wt: 只写打开一个txt文件,(如果没...
A lightweight graphical user interface and controller library that allows you to easily manipulate variables and fire functions on the fly, inspired by the venerable dat-gui js. - nidorx/roblox-dat-gui
petsimulator99-script petsimulator99script ps99 ps99-hack ps99-script ps99-script-2025 roblox-pet-simulator-99-hack Quick Access: 🚀 Download Software 🚀 📌 Needs to be launched 📌 If you encounter any issues with the link provided or need an alternative version, please check our "Rel...
Finally, you must do this in a Local Script. Because the GUI is unique for every single player, it is actually handled by each player's computer, not the ROBLOX server itself. Local Scripts are scripts that are specifically handled by a player's computer and not the server, so it is ...