随着今后 PC 越来越往生产力工具上靠拢,你要开发成熟的内容生成型的应用,请选择 native 语言。而娱乐...
我有问题(基本上,我很困惑。)在尝试为我的wxWidgets GUI应用程序创建一个工作线程时,将修改其中一个GUI属性本身。 (在这种情况下,wxTextCtrl :: AppendText)。 到目前为止,我有2个源文件和2个头文件用于wx程序本身(不包括我自己的库,MySQL库等),比如MainDlg.cpp,它包含一个名为'MainDlg'的WxFrame派...
wxwin.m4 Remove configure.in to configure.ac Jul 24, 2023 About wxWidgets is a free and open source cross-platform C++ framework for writing advanced GUI applications using native controls. wxWidgets allows you to write native-looking GUI applications for all the major desktop platforms and also...
parent, title): super(Example, self).__init__(parent, title=title, size=(300, 200)) self.Move((800, 250)) def main(): app = wx.App() ex = Example(None, title='Moving') ex.Show() app.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main...
wxPython 是 Python 語言的一套優秀的 GUI 圖形庫,允許 Python 程式設計師很方便的創建完整的、功能鍵全的 GUI 用戶介面。 wxPython 是作為優秀的跨平台 GUI 庫 wxWidgets 的 Python 封裝和 Python 模塊的方式提供給用戶的。 就如同Python和wxWidgets一樣,wxPython也是一款開源軟體,並且具有非常優秀的跨平台能力,能...
Glimmer DSL for WX (wxWidgets Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library) Mac / Windows / Linux Yes Yes Fast Startup Time / Light Memory Footprint wxruby3 is still beta and does not support Mac yet wxWidgets, Doxygen, SWIG, GNU g++ 4.8 on Linux or RubyInstaller+DevKit on Windows Glimmer DSL...
XUI, a toolkit for building Java applications with Java and XML, release under an MPL like license. java-gnome, GNOME Java binding (LGPL) QtJava, Qt Java binding (GPL) wx4J, wxWidgets Java binding (BSD-style license) Ada GtkAda , Ada binding for gtk+,for X11 and Windows ( GPLed plu...
分享672 刀塔传奇吧 大熊不是喵 【我是猴子请来的逗比】gui跪求各路大神指导方向,新手玩这游戏一个多月了,10.10才买月卡,不知道该练什么,金币装备什么的太缺了啊 分享1赞 c++吧 wazq97 请问各位C++选什么GUI啊~ QT MFC wxWidgets最近在学C++,到GUI这里有些迷茫,希望各位指点一二~目前的目标就是做中、小型...
用wxWidgets框桇和cegui引擎开发的GUI编辑器工具 (系统自动生成,下载前可以参看下载内容) 下载文件列表 CELayoutEditor-0.6.1/ CELayoutEditor-0.6.1/acinclude.m4 CELayoutEditor-0.6.1/aclocal.m4 CELayoutEditor-0.6.1/AUTHORS.txt CELayoutEditor-0.6.1/bin/ ...
wxHexEditor is GUI'ed hex editor for big files and devices. Developed for reverse engineering big files. Supports colorful TAGS and file/device sizes up to some exabytes. Does not require copy whole file to ram. It's also a Disk Editor. Developed with C++ and wxWidgets. wxHexEditor is Cros...