Gambar Guggenheim, New york, Museum. Gratis digunakan. Komentar Komunitas menantikan kabar dari Anda! Masuk atau gabung ke Pixabay untuk melihat komentar GuggenheimNew YorkMuseumArsitekturBangunanDaya TarikTerkenalAmerika SerikatGuggenheim MuseumSeni ...
Thannhauser的印象派,后印象派和早期现代杰作系列收藏;朱塞佩·潘扎·迪·比奥莫伯爵(Giuseppe Panza di Biumo)的欧洲极简主义,后极简主义,环境和观念艺术。在过去的二十年中,这些收藏增加了罗伯特·马普索普基金会和博恩基金会的主要捐赠,古根海姆与德意志银行为德意志古根海姆建立的独特合作伙伴关系而实现的一系列当代艺术...
Maurizio Cattelan: All will present the complete works of this Italian trickster at the Guggenheim Museum in New York. 11月4日“莫里吉奥·卡特兰:所有”将会在纽约古根海姆博物馆开幕,届时会展出这位意大利骗子的全部作品。 youdao 22. "Prices of oil, corn and wheat are all way up," said Tom di ...
Guggenheim Foundation acquires the Panza di Biumo Collection of Minimalist and Conceptual Art. This acquisition dramatically enlarges the Foundation’s permanent collection, giving it great depth in works by American postwar masters Carl Andre, Dan Flavin, Robert Ryman, and Richard Serra, among others...
The Peggy Guggenheim Collection is owned and operated by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York, which also operates the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and which is a partner of the Basque Regional Government for the programming of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.READ LESS ...
22. "Prices of oil, corn and wheat are all way up," said Tom di Galoma, head of fixed-income trading atGuggenheimPartners in New York. “石油、玉米和小麦的价格一直在上涨,”位于纽约的古根海姆公司(Guggenhe imPartners)固定收益部门主管汤姆。迪。加洛马(Tom diGaloma)说道。
ma se il nonno paterno da minatore riesce a diventare magnate minerario, quello materno inizia come venditore porta a porta per diventare un potente banchiere; quando Marguerite “Peggy” nasce nel 1898 – seconda di tre sorelle – i Guggenheim sono tra le famiglie più ricche di New York....
But if you can’t make it to New York, then just head on over to theGuggenheim’s online collection, where the museum has digitized “nearly 1600 artworks by more than 575 artists.” This is the most sweeping move toward greater acces...
Giuseppe Panza di Biumo’s vast holdings of European and American Minimalist, Post-Minimalist, Environmental, and Conceptual art; an extensive contribution from the Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation; and the Bohen Foundation’s gift of contemporary photography, video, and installation art. The Guggenheim ...
“Agrippina” will be headlined by Joyce DiDonato with Brenda Rae as Poppea, Kate Lindsey as Nerone, Iestyne Davies as Ottone, Duncan Rock as Pallante, and Matthew Rose as Claudio. The production will be conducted by Harry Bicket with David McVicar directing. ...