Guest registry:在一些正式场合或机构中,有时也会使用“guest registry”来表示宾客名单。不过,“registry”一词通常还包含有登记或记录的意味,因此这个表达可能更多地用于需要记录宾客信息或签到的情况。 综上所述,“guest list”是活动组织中不可或缺的一个术语,它帮助主办方明确被邀请的宾客...
Stationguest listwill now show standings correctly. 空间站访客列表现在正确显示了. 互联网 Their names were deleted from theguest list. 他们的名字在客人名单上被删除了. 互联网 Theguest listglittered with famous names. 客人的名单上赫然写着一些名人的姓名. ...
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The meaning of GUEST LIST is a list of people who are invited to something (such as a party). How to use guest list in a sentence.
guest list:宾客名单;客人名单;贵宾录宾客名单;客人名单;贵宾录 例句:1.Having a guest list that resembles the crowd at a sporting event is not all thatunusual.有客人名单,类似于在体育赛事的人群是不是所有的不寻常。2.Officials refused Tuesday to discuss either the menu or the ...
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iPad iPhone 简介 The best app for event management and guest check-in. Over 10,000,000+ guests checked-in! Guestlist is the perfect solution to manage guests for event professionals, organizers, PR agencies or individuals. Use your tablet or smartphone to run an entire event and avoid the ...
Guestlist definition: a list of guests invited to attend a social function.. See examples of GUESTLIST used in a sentence.