Sure, they'll probably use their phone, but a clock radio may give them another option for listening to music (or checking the time in the middle of the night). The Ultimate Guest Room Checklist Check out our printable, portable ultimate guest room checklist to ensure you're always stocked...
*1. Room Number(房间号): *2. Evaluator(评估者): *3. Date(日期): 房门入口处 Entrance area *4. 门铃Door bell 接受/Y 不接受/N *5. 请阁下写下您不接受的建议/Please write down the advice you do not accept *6. 防盗链 Door chain 接受/Y 不接受/N *7. 请写下阁下不...
Guest Room Checklist: 5 Easy Updates That Will Bring Visitors Back May 10, 2019 0 A great hostess creates a guest room that’s as inviting and comfortable as it is functional. After all, your out-of-town guests usually stay busy all day long with a busy itenerary. And at the close...