仅供参考,由机器翻译系统提供。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning of guesstimate 广告 在guesstimate 附近的词典条目 guerdon guerilla Guernsey guerrilla guess guesstimate guess-work guest guest star guest-room guff 链接论坛参考文献链接产品iOS 应用安卓应用Chrome 扩展关于网站作者网站简介在Facebook ...
"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
The meaning of GUESSTIMATE is an estimate usually made without adequate information.
languageDespite their increasing use, little is known about the purpose of word blends, e.g. chillax, which have near-synonymous composite words (relax and chill). Potential explanations for their existence and persistence include: use in different sentence constructions, to provide unique meaning, ...
The meaning of GUESSTIMATE is an estimate usually made without adequate information.
1530s, "appraise the worth of," from Latinaestimatus, past participle ofaestimare"to value, appraise" (seeesteem(v.)). Meaning "form an approximate notion" is from 1660s. Related:Estimated;estimates;estimating. guess(v.) c. 1300,gessen"to infer from observation, perceive, find out; form...